In 2014, Spinifex presented the BOLLYCORE project, featuring Priya Purushothaman,
one of India’s most talented young vocalists, and virtuoso dancer Maya Sapera.

We toured India in february 2014 and performed the project in Belgium and Hungary in april/may:
16 february iSAi Festival, Chennai
21 february High Spirits, Pune
22 february (7pm) Goethe Institut, Bangalore
22 february (10pm) Counterculture, Bangalore
16 april MOOOV Festival, De Werf, Brugge (BE)
1 may Mediawave, Komarom (HU)
30 august, Uitmarkt Amsterdam (Concertgebouw Koorzaal)
24 september, MLK Martin Luther Kerk, Amsterdam
25 september, De Pletterij, Haarlem
26 september, De Doelen, Rotterdam
28 september, Kerk Ruigoord
30 september, AMP@Musis Sacrum, Arnhem
funding: Fonds Podiumkunsten, VSB Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds, Adèle Wickert Fonds
Spinifex BOLLYCORE feat. Priya Purushotaman and Maya Sapera
The trademark Spinifex jazzcore/avantrock combines with Purushotaman’s intense lyricism to create a sound beyond East and West, avantgarde and tradition; a sound previously unheard and thoroughly enjoyable for lovers of Indian music as well as for fans of contemporary jazz. The visual aspect of BOLLYCORE is greatly enriched by the performance of Maya Sapera, who has a background in Bharatanatyam (south Indian classical dance) but who is also expert in Rajasthani gypsy dance and Bollywood styles.
The Spinifex collaborations with prominent Indian musicians such as Dr. Mysore Manjunath and Dr. Suma Sudhindra have been very successful in recent years. The ensembles toured India several times, performing at prestigious venues like the Delhi India International Centre and the Fireflies Festival of Music (the ‘Woodstock of India’).
In the Netherlands, they played important festivals such as Music Meeting (Nijmegen) and Mundial (Tilburg). Ton Maas wrote in his 5/5 stars review in the Dutch daily Volkskrant: ‘Lots of fireworks and spectacular solos, but even more impressive was the ensemble playing, which fit together perfectly with uncanny precision even in the most rhythmically complex parts.’ Stef Mennens wrote in Jazzenzo: ‘Pure enjoyment for lovers of jazz and world music … who rewarded the ensemble with a standing ovation’.
Priya Purushothaman, voice
Maya Sapera, dance
Gijs Levelt, trumpet
Tobias Klein, saxophone
Jasper Stadhouders, guitar
Gonçalo Almeida, bass Philipp Moser, drums